Send reminders to students who haven't completed activities
Marianne Deitche
I love this idea. Sometimes the students don't finish, and then they forget to do it as homework. If they don't like getting the emails, they'll have another reason to complete the assignment! : )
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill
Hi all! I am curious to hear from people who voted on this idea. Is it still as relevant if you have returned to in-person teaching? Also, in your experience do students regularly check their email? How do you think they'd react to receiving reminders? Thank you!
Jaime Smith
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill: I'm a fully online teacher even outside of COVID, so this is still super relevant for me. Even when I was teaching in person, I would use Quill for homework activities, and reminders would be nice. My students check email, or have parents who remind them to check ;-)
Khalid Safi
Armando Miranda G.
Thank you Peter, Fantastic idea.
Connie Matthews
I would love this as well. I keep having to remind my students to go in and make sure they have done the activities for the week. My students are mostly in school now, but I do have some who are quarantined and emailing them is the only way that I can reach them.