Automatically assign diagnostic recommendations
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill
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Automatically assign diagnostic activities
Laura Cuorato
I would love a feature that can automatically assign diagnostic activities and then automatically push out activity packs to students. Keeping up with students finishing at different paces and assigning diagnostics and new activities can become time consuming to large teams of middle school students.
Elizabeth Tanner
When creating diagnostic, include a button if we want it to automatically assign recommended activities.
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill
Merged in a post:
Auto assign recommended
Erin Earnshaw
When creating diagnostic, include a button if we want it to automatically assign recommended activities.
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill
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Automatically assign
Sarah Gregory
The program needs to automatically assign independent practice packs after taking a diagnostic. With 149 students I do not have time to create an individualized plan for each one.
Nigel Robson
I actually prefer to control the number of activity packs that are assigned to students. If preferred, it is not difficult to assign all.
Peter | Principal Product Manager at Quill
Merged in a post:
Automatically assign suggested activities
Casey Ingouf
It would be great if Quill would automatically assign the next recommended activities without me having to click to assign it.